Is this mission what I expected it to be?

 Is our mission what I expected it to be?  

I knew we would be primarily working with and supporting the members.  We have been assigned to an area that is actually the largest (geographically speaking) in the mission.  We are assigned to a small branch of the church in Bruck on der Mur Austria. (Bridge over the river Mur!). There are about 15 active members in our branch.  Many of them live in cities and villages that are far away!  Traveling to visit them takes us through the most beautiful scenery!  We are in awe everyday of the beauty in this choice country!  I had visited three Austrian cities years earlier but had never traveled extensively around the gorgeous countryside.!  I knew Austria was beautiful but I never tire of the incredible majesty that we witness everyday.   
I was surprised that it takes such effort to make contact with the delightful members who have become our dear friends!  I am always surprised by the joy I experience when we visit their homes and apartments because it takes such time and effort to reach them.  Much of our ministering is sharing messages and scriptures and Judd always brings his violin and plays some beautiful piece for them.  We also share spiritual thoughts and scriptures on the phone when we can't visit them in person.  Hannelora, who lives over an hour away from us, has Alzheimers and we call her daily to remind her to eat and drink because she doesn't have a family member living with her to help take care of her at the moment.  I knew I would love the Austrian people but I had no idea how very dear they would become to us and how soon this has happened!  


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