We grow in Christ...

 “We grow in Christ and through covenants we receive spiritual strength and healing power.”  

What an inspired theme for our stake conference and how timely! 

We were  spiritually fed by the inspirational conference sessions that we were so blessed to attend last weekend.  Saturday morning we drove two hours northeast from Leoben Austria, to Vienna.  We enjoyed lunch with Michael and Ruth Korak, our branch president and his wife and another friend, Signe Lasl.  We ate at a wonderful restaurant called: Figl Muller.  That afternoon Michael and Judd had a leadership meeting in the stake center and then we all attended the evening adult session of stake conference together. We stayed in a hotel overnight in Vienna.

 Sunday morning at 10:00 AM we enjoyed another session of stake conference.  Many of the conference talks were on temple worship and how important being worthy and holding a temple recommend is.   Many of the saints mentioned the building of the temple in Vienna and how we all long for the day!  We pray that land can be secured and the groundbreaking of the Vienna temple can occur during the next year and a half that we are here in Austria. We pray that we can be the Lord’s hands in helping prepare the dear saints here to worship in the Lord’s House. 

It is rewarding to associate with wonderful friends who love the Lord and are so fun.  Oh how we need each other as human beings!  We continue to have opportunities to make new friends.  What a blessing they are in our lives.

Thank you all for reading our blog.  We adore you all and are very thankful for your friendship also.  May the Lord bless and keep you!


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